Today is a big day for the greyhounds in Spain as their fate is being discussed during a debate at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The debate is taking place in the context of the ongoing written declaration 006/20013 on putting an immediate end to the torture and mistreatment of greyhounds in Europe and has been put on the agenda by Michèle Striffler, Member of the European Parliament and Vice President of the Animal Welfare Intergroup. Several French but also organizations from Belgium, Holland and Spain will join the debate and speak in name of the Spanish greyhound about their miserable situation and their efforts to make a change. Fanny Rabourdin, will attend on behalf of SOS Galgos and she is just like us a foster family who has adopted a greyhound.
Under the motto “Spanish greyhounds run to their death”, several International Marches were organized in Strasbourg, Madrid and Barcelona against the maltreatment of Spanish Greyhounds. Together with our greyhound Bertley, we attended the one in Barcelona and want to share these pictures with you. Look at those sweet faces. They are the lucky ones who had a second chance in life and got rescued and adopted to start a second professional career as couch potato. In Spain, each year around 50,000 of their fellow greyhounds face a very different fate, after a very short and miserable life, they are written of, tortured, abandoned or killed. It is time to stop this madness.
Want to know more about the Spanish Greyhound and the organizations that rescue them, read this blog written by Melanie Berthelot.
International Marches for Galgos in Barcelona
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SOS Galgos | Animal Welfare Intergroup | Melanie Berthelot
I love everything you put together, well done, I think you’re both brilliant!
I’m so happy the abuse is coming to light around the world. Great photos, they brought tears to my eyes.
It does not end here
We continue every day
We fight
Suffer for them
We save them
We take care of them
We give a new life to them
We cry when they die
We cry when they start to live again
We ask for help
We do not leave them to their fate
Just the most stunning pictures of these wonderfully gentle and trusting animals.
I have two galgos and i will fight for all of the galgos who have a bad life.
Absolutely beautiful pictures of these lovely dogs !
Hello Rachel
Lovely pictures indeed! How can those heartless and brainless people hurt or event worse such wonderful creatures? I’ll never understand!!!
It’s great to know that so many people (event from abroad, just like you and me) are supporting Galgos’ cause. It’s all a shame, a pity, and of course that must end right now. Let’s cross fingers and see what happens, I haven’t much faith in it, but I can’t help hoping that I will see the end of maltreatment and leave a better world to my sons.
Very “greyhoundly” yours,
Thank you so much for your update and photos. I will share with those who have signed my petition. This horrific practice must stop once and for all. What was the outcome of the meeting on June 9? And here is the link to my petition:
Thank you.
Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful photos. I hope this event will be a big step toward improving lives of Greyhounds.
Los galgos son una raza tan especial, todo en ellos es bondad, dulzura, agradecimiento, esa mirada que no la he visto en ningun otro perro, se les nota si han sufrido, si son felices. Son unicos.
Gracias por los comentarios bonitos. Quería mostrar el galgo como el animal de compañía que es: dulce, elegante, tranquilo, cariñoso, fiel y divertido! A ver si mas gente se animan a adoptar uno o una.